The idea was born in 2019 following a meeting with Koubri producers who produced onions, but who could not store them. They were therefore forced to sell them quickly, often at unprofitable prices. The company was incorporated in September 2021 by two partners: Valentin SIFT and Pino LACETERA. Close technical assistance to growers to produce high-quality storage onions, the construction of storage warehouses specifically designed for their conservation, and the contractualisation of sales to the company during the harvest period at remunerative prices for producers have enabled us to established a win-win partnership intended to last over time. We chose to work in the Commune of Koubri because it is an important market gardening area with many small dams providing water supply for agricultural production. The good collaboration with the local customary authorities has considerably facilitated the approach to producers, as well as the construction of storage warehouses. All investments have been made from the partners’ own funds.
Our goals
- Improving the quality and safety of storage onions in Burkina Faso through the application of agro-ecological technical itineraries
- Establish win-win and lasting business relationships with our partner producers
- Increase the quota of onions produced in Burkina Faso on the local market and in West African coastal countries
- Increase the availability of onions on the market in the period of shortage (July to October)
Our outlook
In the first year of activity, we created 2 warehouses and involved 12 partner producers. This allowed us to store 37 tons of high quality storage onions. Our business development plan plans to increase our storage capacity to 400 tons over the next 5 years, involving around a hundred producers.
We also plan to:
- Produce and make available to producers organic fertilizer: indeed, the organic fertilization that we offer (manure, compost) makes it possible to reduce production costs, has beneficial effects on the quality of products and contributes to the restoration soil fertility. However, the low availability could be a constraint to the development prospects of the company.
- Diversify our activities by expanding them to other market gardening speculations, while keeping the same approach, and introducing innovative production techniques (greenhouses) and respectful of the environment